I'd wrote the articles before about how to earn money via facebook. After searching and surfing the internet for a couple days, i found the interesting topic that i can submit it here. It's about "How to Earn Money with Twitter?" This topic sound interesting and when im surfing through the internet, most of them (topics) quite dissapointing me. So, i made a few adjustments and exploring it with you on how this social networks can gives me money!
First of all, let me explain to you the meaning of twitter? From the Wikepedia, Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Enough with introduction, now i will tell you how twitter generate money.
- Charge for access to your Twitter messages - Write a good content and meaningful in your twitter to makes your twitter pages more valuable. When someone need that informations, they have to subcribe to your pages where you charge $x for him/her to be your friend. Here, you need to have subscription -based service. You've earn money everytime new subscriber read your twitter page. Thus, a celebrity or a newspaper might do this to give you access to the news first ,basically, if the user wanted to be “in the know” for whatever offering, they’d pay $X for access (per week or month). Note: You’d have to verify their subscriptions — and if they haven’t paid for the month, you’d remove them as a friend from your Twitter account.
- Setup a service that allows users to buy products through your twitter. User would need to setup an account with you including their credit card (or PayPal info, or a deposit into this proposed payment service) stored.
- If there are a lot of people following you in ‘twitter’ where in the same time, you have a ‘wide reach’ to a large number of twitter users, you can probably look into direct advertisements for monetization. Direct advertising is a strategy aimed at reaching consumers without the need for some type of intermediary to establish the connection. Also known as direct marketing, the process of direct advertising calls for using various sales and marketing tools to present consumers with the opportunity to do business directly with the company.
- Recommendation – You can recommend a particular product or service on behalf of your advertisers & peruse your followers to take an ‘action’. You can find advertisers from site point and digital point to get the products for you to advertise or recommending into your twitter.
- Promote your own products– Instead of taking your followers to another website using your affiliate link, you might just want to promote your own product & services and sell them directly via your sales/landing page.
- Paid Review– This is pretty much like the direct advertisement, however the only difference would be, instead of blindly suggesting a product or a service to someone, you can actually do some ‘paid reviews’. Paid review including reviewing products, services or peoples. For instance, maybe you can review someone’s web design skills, or you may promote someone’s ‘twitter’ account.