This is really disaster for luxurious car owner when their cars being involved in a terrific accident. For people who has so much money to spend on, this one can be a great examples on how money can be wasted for small mistakes that they shouldn’t have. Some said, speeding has been blamed as the likely cause of this Japan’s most expensive ever road accident when it’s involve up to $4-million-worth of supercars .
Furthermore, television footage showed mangled Ferraris and debris spread over some 400 metres of the east-bound side of the Chugoku Expressway, the main trunk road in southern Honshu.
“The accident occurred when the driver of a red Ferrari was switching from the right lane to the left and skidded,” said Mitsuyoshi Isejima, executive officer for Yamaguchi Prefecture’s Expressway Traffic Police unit. “It was a gathering of narcissists.” The drivers were aged between 37 and 60 years old, he said.
The accident which was believe to be happen at 10:16 a.m. on the rain-soaked Chugoku Expressway also involved three Mercedes Benz vehicles and two Toyotas. The convoy was heading from Kyushu to Hiroshima when the accident occurred. No fatalities were reported and 10 people sustained bruising and minor injuries. Those behind slammed on their brakes, but for many of them it was apparently too late. For your information, the speed limit on that section of the highway was 80 kilometres per hour. But, this show-off Richie was doing 140-160 kilometres per hour. Unfortunately, one of them spun and they all ended up in this great mess.
Thanks to a 60-year-old self-employed man from Fukuoka prefecture who was the person suspected of causing the accident likely may face up to three months in jail or a fine of as much as 100,000 yen ($1,280).
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